Podcast Interview With Leigh Dunsford @ Waddle Loans
I recently did a podcast interview with the very cool Leigh Dunsfield from Waddle Loans Check it out https://soundcloud.com/waddlepodcast/thomas-taylor-t2-consult-podcast
Focus On The Large And Variable – Not The Small And Predictable
If you have a 30 June year end you’re probably putting the finishing touches on your annual budget. If you are, it’s a good time to have a look at the way you categorise income and expenses. We see a lot of large and complex reports that can make it hard for a business to keep […]
How Will Automation Affect Your Clients?
We mostly work with businesses that have really big clients, it seems to be the thing that defines us. And most knowledge economy B2B’s will be like that, where their clients are mostly bigger than they are. The provision of services to startups, micro businesses, traditional small businesses, and of course B2C, is moving online and […]
It’s What’s Up Front That Counts
There is that old saying that “if you what to improve something, first measure it”. And if you really want to know what’s going on in your business you can’t just rely on your accounting system. Some of the data you need will be there but not all of it. The most important information will live in your front […]
Should You Keep Staff Salaries Secret?
I remember being told at my first university economics lecture that we have to assume human beings always make rational choices. That seemed like a very bad start to me, to most people I imagine. Nevertheless, doing the opposite, assuming that most people are irrational, seems worse. Like when some business owners think less of […]
Should You Sell To One Of The Big Guys?
Is running your own show is the best way for you to grow? One option might be to join up with a bigger company. There are some advantages that come with size: – access to their bigger clients – a well-known brand that will also get you access to new clients – work referred by other […]
Why Overdrafts Are Rubbish
A while ago I wrote about why you should bootstrap for as long as you can noting… “Apart from the obvious benefits of having all of the equity, and not having other people to appease, who might tell you what to do, the greatest advantage is the freedom to make inexpensive mistakes.” The same things can apply […]
You Should Probably Charge More
The world seems to be splitting into extremes. Amazon and the like are wiping out traditional retail, luxury retailers are doing fine, it’s the middle that’s struggling. Great software is mainly free, or a small monthly charge, but some subscriptions cost a bomb per user per month. And still are often worth it. You can […]
What Usually Happens To A Small Business As It Gets Bigger
There is something that I think happens at a particular stage in every growing company. The time you realise you don’t know everything that’s going on. How you manage, delegate, trust, monitor, inspire, reward, performance manage, etc, etc, is the greatest challenge for any business that includes humans. And how you do it will mostly determine your success […]
How To Separate Strategy And Housekeeping
Those mountains aren’t going to climb themselves and you need a good base camp or your best-laid plans will fail. Absolutely make it a cool base camp, life should have some fun, but make sure basic infrastructure doesn’t take up any more time than it needs to. We all know the difference between the two but […]