How To Make Your Business Sustainable

When we assess a business for financial security and sustainability the following is what we look for. The big one is recurring revenue Else you’re just flipping burgers. Someone said to me once that a terrible way to live your life is to get out of bed on the first day of each month and […]

What I Learnt Working In A Hotel

Hotels have a magic number that they all aim for. That number is 80% occupancy. The percentage of available rooms occupied each night.  That 80% number turns out to be roughly applicable to most resource-constrained businesses, from consulting firms to plumbers, gym classes to accountants. If hotels run at less than 80% they struggle to make money. And […]

Add Sensible Spinach To Your Smashed Avocado

Add Sensible Spinach To Your Smashed Avocado Thomas Taylor – Monday, May 21, 2018 We’ve changed our name. We are now Green Spinach Outsourced CFO’s. Green as in money, but also sustainable, and spinach because we all know that helps you grow strong. That’s what we do, we help businesses grow strong. We are looking forward to […]

Exit Stage Left

There might be 50 ways to leave a lover, but not many ways to leave a company that you have built. And most of them are going to involve you hanging around for years. Being told what to do by a bigger and most probably more bureaucratic organisation. It’s hard for a lot of entrepreneurs […]

You Need Meat And Gravy

These days, for most businesses, it’s all about recurring revenue. A lot of Real estate agents aim to fund their basic operating expenses from “Rent Roll”, commission on property management. Property sales are money on top. A lot of recruitment agencies aim to pay the bills with fees from ongoing temp placements. PR, marketing and […]

Are You An Industry Player, Or A Market Player?

Guest Post by Raz Chorez In over a decade of consulting, I’ve learned to take nothing for granted. I don’t assume as much as I used to, and I try my best to listen to every new client as if they are my first, and I know nothing about their company, industry or market. However, time […]

Are You Bundling Services?

These days smart firms are forming their service offerings into bundled products that better align with and meet client needs. Once upon a time you sold products or services, or maybe both, but professional services were seen as different. There was a fair bit of snobbery involved in this as well. Things are changing and […]

How To Manage Margins In Professional Services

To manage your firm, you need to know the most important ratios. Utilisation is by far the most important for most, but the amount of time recorded on timesheets shouldn’t automatically be billed to clients. Often it is, but sometimes adjustments need to be made at the time of billing to take certain factors into […]

Are You Eligible For A Small Business Grant?

The NSW government is giving small businesses in NSW a grant of $2000 if they employ new full-time, part-time and casual workers in NSW. To be eligible, the business needs to: Have an active Australian Business Number (ABN) Be exempt from the payroll tax for a financial year In addition, the employment of the person must: Fill […]